If you need specialized 1-1 tuition in preparing for examinations, we have a team of experienced trained home tutors (ranging from current school teachers to ex-school teachers, graduates, undergraduates) who we can arrange with on your behalf. These tutors are subject to stringent selection criteria. Our chosen tutors are trained to teach students the latest curriculum at a high quality.
Let us know your needs by filling up the enquiry form below and we will try to find a tutor from our database that matches your requirements asap!
Tuition Rates
Tutor Category / Level | Primary | Secondary | IP1/IB1 | IP2/IB2 | IP3/IB3 | IP4/IB4 | JC1/IB5 | JC2/IB6 |
Undergraduate | $30 – $40 | $40 – $50 | $40 – $50 | $40 – $50 | $45 – $50 | $45 – $50 | $50 – $60 | $50 – $60 |
Graduate | $40 – $50 | $50 – $60 | $50 – $60 | $50 – $60 | $70 – $85 | $70 – $85 | $80 – $90 | $80 – $90 |
Graduate (Full-time Tutor) | $40 – $50 | $50 – $60 | $50 – $60 | $50 – $60 | $70 – $85 | $70 – $85 | $80 – $90 | $80 – $90 |
NIE Trainee | $60 – $70 | $70 – $80 | $80 – $120 | $80 – $120 | $90 – $140 | $90 – $140 | $90 – $140 | $90 – $140 |
Ex/Current School Teacher | $60 – $75 | $70 – $80 | $80 – $120 | $80 – $120 | $90 – $140 | $90 – $140 | $120 – $150 | $120 – $150 |
*The tuition rates are average from quotes we have received from tutors over 3 months and may not reflect the current market rate. For the latest market rate, please contact our friendly education specialists.
*Quoted tuition rates are based on an hour of tuition service